Well, whether I like it, or not I soon start my third semester at New River. In a way I'm excited, because I am taking new classes. This semester I am taking: Introduction to Early Childhood Education, Single Parent Families, English 112, Intro to Computers (again, I bombed the first time around. Yes, the computer guy's wife failed basic computer class, and no he did not faint when he found out my grade.) and finally, I'll be taking Child Psychology. The last two are online courses which is fine with me. I've done well with those classes the past two semesters.
What I'm not looking forward to, is the having to stand up and introduce myself to the class.
I hate doing that. I guess it's because I'm chicken. Jenn, you are probably thinking, chicken? Never! (cluck, cluck, cluck) I don't know, I just feel like such a geek standing up and telling the class who I am and where I'm from or whatever the teacher has us tell the class.
In three of my classes I have the same teacher, she'll probably get tired of hearing my voice by the end of the day.