Monday, September 21, 2009

To DC & Back...Thankfully in one peice...

Well, On Friday afternoon Aaron, his father and I all piled into the Lincoln and made the drive to up to Washington for the temple trip. We decided to let his dad drive because well, one I hate driving for any reason and two Aaron is not all that familiar with DC ( and I'll be honest, we were both chicken about getting on the beltway.) So we had a long drive ahead.
The drive up was fine, for the most part. (Although I spent half the time in the backseat trying to keep my sanity in check. I do not do well on long car trips, especially in the backseat. Not because I get sick...I don't unless I'm reading. But because I feel trapped.) So we get to the Crowne Plaza at around 8 or so. I nearly jumped from my seat and fell to kiss the ground, never in my life have I been so glad to get away from a car! Aaron's dad's driving is interesting to say the least, and the beltway was a nightmare! And here, I thought Atlanta traffic was a disaster.
We even saw a van swerving and actually hit a car in front of us ( well, us and a VA state trooper who had pulled over someone about lousy luck.) Well, it took us about forty-five minutes, 6 turns around the block and $12 before we finally parked. We hummed and hawed after we went to our rooms and changed our minds about 10 times before we decided to go to the Macaroni Grill (How on earth could his dad NOT like Italian food?!) well all enjoyed a fabulous meal and went back to the hotel and zonked out. Aaron before me, becasue I wanted to do some hotel exploring (yes, it's a weird thing, I know but I love to do it anyway.) and reading.
Despite the little "go to sleep kit" I found on my bed in the hotel ( which some kind soul packed with a sleep mask, som lavendar linen spary, and ear plugs) I did not sleep well... (strange environment, I guess.) Although I did have a blast throwing pillows off my bed and into random targets in the room. (hey, when the cat's asleep THIS mouse will play!!!) Why on earth must you put 20 pillows on a bed I only need 2, max 3 if the pillows are lousy! I truly believe the best part was when I saw the most breath-taking view of the temple lit up at night from my window on the 16th floor of the hotel. (I swear, I spent at least 15 minutes just sitting there staring at it.)
The next morning at the hotel, Aaron and I just wanted to do a grab and growl breakfast, but his dad wanted to go to the hotel's restaurant, which was a big mistake. The bacon was leathery, the eggs were powdered, the pancakes were WHITE ( I do believe those suckers were raised in total darkness.) I choked down a few chunks of fresh pineapple (the only edible thing there) and gulped down a $3 chocolate milk. (gotta love those DC prices)
Well, we go through the temple and saw a few folks from the ward, which was wonderful.
After the temple and before we went home, we went sight seein...... to be continued.....

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